Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Top 5 Green Home Inspiration

I strongly believe in the statement "Start at Home" ....when it comes to saving our planet we do our small bits to make a difference. The place to start is obviously our home .. how can we expect things to be better if we do not stand up and do our due diligence . With Earth Day five days away this post we talk about  five things we do in our home that we think any home can do to help planet earth ...If you think it's too small of a step think again as a small step forward is always a progress .......

1. Invest in dimmer - Studies have proved that using a dimmer saves 40 -50% of the electric use and also bulbs last longer too ...Using CFL bulbs is another good way to lower your electric bill and saving some energy
at the end of tunnel ...you have light
2. Bring nature in your home: Look for beauty in nature and bring beauty in your home .. it's better for environment and its FREE ...collect sea shells, acorns, pine cones .. flowers ... nature has all the things you need to decorate corners of your home .. you just need to decide the theme for your house ...

3. Reuse with Antique/Yard Sale  - Reuse is a big step when thinking green ...love the old chair you saw on your favorite magazine cover .. or the key holder from Italy on one of the blogs ...well Antique shops, consignment stores and yard sale are perfect lace to find cheap, around the world home decor ...you get  to see something new every time ..and the best part you are reusing the products .. saving on the material/fuel/wastage ...Be Proud of your home decor and yourself at the same time ...
4.  Organically Green - Buy from  your local Farmer market or better yet make yourself a small garden ...Local farmer market sells happy produce that grow in your area and have less or no chemical u...Growing your own garden can be some work but the best tip I received was to "Start Slow" ...start one vegetable one year and add another the next year ... it's a slow step however it is a big leap ...

5. Collect Rain Water: Have you ever collected rain water ? We did just recently and were amazed that just by little drizzle we had enough to water the plants for 2 days ... I have to admit that storing water for too long causes mosquito to grow .. so we added Neem Oil in the water which is organic and good for plants and keep the mosquito away .....Not only you are recycling the water but also giving your plants nutrient from the rain water ...

Bring a change in your home and share what works for you ...Always remember three R's Recycle Reuse Reduce

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